
Alot a lot
af have
allmost almost
becuse because
bidin't didn't
consecinc consequences
cud could
did'nt didn't
dident didn't
discasded disgusted
discousentony disgusting
dissapointed disappointed
dosint doesn't
dusting disgusting
evrry were everywhere
evry every
falt fault
fellet felt
fin fine
floshed flushed
fluch flushed
fluseing flushing
fluses flush
flushit flush it
fuls flushed
grose gross
hapen happen
how who
konw no
lerning learning
lives leaves
min mine
nasste nasty
nast nasty
nastey nasty
new knew
no know
nomder number
nos knows
of have
people people
pobe people
polpe people
poup poop
puick puked
resroom restroom
rest room restroom
rilly really
rog wrong
sastls ????
shad should
smaill smelled
smeld smelled
somebudde somebody
speled spilled
ten then
terbo terrible
thats that's
their they're
ther there
though. up throw up -OR- though
throgh threw
to too
toley toilet
tolit toilet
tolo toilet
toloit toilet
topow trouble
toyit toilet
toylet toilet
ungley ugly
us use
useing using
wasin't wasn't
wasint wasn't
wen when
when ever whenever
wong wrong
worcing working
wrog wrong
yus use